Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Not Your Ordinary Doctor's Visit - June 24, 2010

On June 24th, I went to the doctor for my 38 week check up. I thought it would be the usual… pee in a cup, check my weight, ask me how I feel… sort of visit – boy was I wrong!

During the visit Dr. Bishop noticed that I was only measuring 36 weeks, when I was actually 38 weeks. In order to be safe she wanted to do an ultrasound. While I was excited to get to see baby Harrison again, I hadn’t seen him since 19 weeks, I was worried that something might be wrong. The ultrasound confirmed that Harrison wasn't measuring like he should, so the doctors decided it was best to go ahead and induce me. While I was thrilled that I was going to finally get to meet my baby boy in person, I was worried about his health since he would be two weeks early.

After the news, Ryan and I went home and tried to take care of all the last minute things that needed to be done before Harrison’s arrival (clean, play with the dog, pack hospital bag, etc.) We then headed to the hospital at 8:00p.m. and settled in for the big day ahead.

Where’s Grandma??While all of this was going on Grandma was on her way to Chattanooga, TN for a tennis tournament. I had previously told her she was crazy for leaving. Her reply was, “you still have two weeks to go.” She had also joked that she could make it back in time, as long as she wasn’t winning. Well, I immediately called her when I found out I was getting induced. She had to drop Mrs. Somers off on the side of the road and turn around (two hours outside of Chattanooga) so that she could be here for Harrison’s arrival. I guess it was a good thing she wasn’t winning the tournament!

This is a picture of me before going to the hospital.

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