Picture of the plate (comming soon)
2. So far, Harrison is a clock work baby. He eats every three hours “on the dot.” Harrison will be sound asleep, and as soon as the three hour mark hits, like clockwork, he wakes up ready to eat. This boy definitely has a good appetite.
3. Harrison found his thumb today for the first time. Considering he is only 3 weeks old I am assuming it was an accident. Regardless, it was pretty darn cute!
4. With a little hesitation, we started giving Harrison a bottle this week. To my surprise he took it no problem. Assuming I find the time to pump, it is nice to now have help feeding Harrison. Not to mention, Daddy loves this new bonding time.
5. Harrison had his 2 week “weigh-in” at the doctors this week. He weighed in at a whopping 6.13 lbs. As my Dad says, “who knew I would make such a good cow.”
Harrison at 3 Weeks!

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