Friday, September 24, 2010
If Time Could Stand Still
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Mom. At 5 I told my dad that I wasn't going to work when I grew up, but that I was going to be a Mommy. Well, my dream of being a Mommy has finally come true. I am enjoying every minute that I have off of work, and wish that just for once time could stand still!!
Boys and Football
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Smith Mountain Lake
Harrison's first bathing suits, complete with hats and flip flops.
First trip on a jet ski (okay, this was just for the photo-op, but how could we resist)
First ride on a pony, he was not to happy about it. Notice the Gucci shoes - so cute!
First time to meet Ronald. I must mention, that this Ronald sits on my Aunt's d0ck. The previous house owner owned McDonalds, and it has become a favorite attraction of boaters on the lake.
First time to meet his extended family, including his Great-Aunt Susan, Great-Aunt Judith, and Aunti Desi. There was always someone fighting to get their hands on our little munchkin. He actually became quite spoiled this week, can you blame him?!?!?
First family photos since he was a newborn. I am so glad we finally got some pics of the three of us!!
We were all incredibly sad to come home, but we will always treasure the memories of Harrison's first trip to Smith Mountain Lake. We are already counting the days until we go back next year!
Five on Friday - Sept. 5, 2010
1. This week Harrison began to really smile in response to us. It is much easier to wake up at 7 a.m., when I am waking up to this face.
2. Harrison's hands are always in fists, the only time he opens them up is in his sleep. We are beginning to think that we are going to have a little boxer on our hands. It is funny to look at his photos and see his little fists in every single one of them.
He also discovered his hands this week and spends most of his awake time with them in his mouth. At least it is a new form of entertainment that will keep him occupied for a little bit.
3. We have been at Smith Mt. Lake in Virginia this past week visiting family. During our visit Harrison's Aunt Desi gave him his first (and probably only) pair of Gucci shoes, they are to die for! Thanks Aunt Desi for helping to make us sooo stylish!!
4. Since day one, we have been amazed by the amount of hair Harrison has. So you can imagine the sadness I felt when I woke up to find his mattress covered in tiny baby hairs. Harrison has finally, rubbed his head so much that he is developing a bald spot.
5. I feel like it was just last week that Harrison out grew his newborn clothes. Well, now he has outgrown his 0-3 month clothes. I can't believe that he is only 2 months old, and is already in 3-6 month clothes. We have quite a little chunk on our hands!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Two Months - August 25, 2010
At his two month checkup he weighed 11.8 lbs and measured 22 ¾ in. This puts him in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. He also got two shots. It was so sad to have to watch my little man in pain. He even had a real tear in his eye. This is the first real tear I have seen. Luckily the pain didn’t last long!
Weight – 11.8 lbs (50 %)
Height – 22 ¾ in (50 %)
Sleep – About 4 hrs at a time during the night
1 hr naps during the day
Eating – Every 3 hrs. during the day
Clothes – Starting to fit into 3-6 months
What's in a Name?
It wasn’t until after Harrison was born that my dad noticed something pretty neat. My grandmother, Mamie, has always called my dad HC, which stands for Honey Child. She even goes as far as addressing his cards with this name. One day it dawned on my father that Harrison’s initials are HC. So now we have a new little Honey Child in the family. I think this is a sign that Harrison Cole Edwards is the perfect name for our little man!
Five on Friday - August 6, 2010
2. Harrison is continuing to pack on the pounds. I just can’t get enough of his new rolls!
3. There is no doubt that Harrison is ALL boy! He loves to grunt! It is the cutest little noise I have ever heard. I have to video tape it before it is too late.
4. This week we had a cookout out with our close friends Amber & Joe, and Chris & Jen. This was the first time we have all been together since we have all had children. It was really fun to see all three babies together (Harrison 1-Month, Emily 3-Months, and Maddie 6-Months). It is amazing to see what a difference just a few months makes in a baby. Seeing how cute Emily and Maddie are makes it a little bit easier to think about Harrison growing up.
5. This week Harrison has started to fit into his 0-3 months clothes, even though they are still a little big. He even wore his first pair of jeans, too cute for words (even though I didn't roll them up so you can see his feet - oops)
Five on Friday - July 30, 2010
2. Harrison’s favorite nap spot is in his bouncy. He will sleep here for a good two hours.
4. One of Harrison’s favorite times of day is bath time. He will sit in the tub, as happy as can be, until he is a wrinkled prune.
5. Luckily for us, Harrison rarely cries. Instead of a cry he will simply grunt and whimper if something is wrong. Unless of course he is hungry. We refer to this cry as, “GOING TERADACTYL.” This name came from his grandma when she lovingly said that he sounds like a Teradactyl. Whenever this loud, constant cry comes it is a surefire sign that he is hungry.
One Month - July 25, 2010
Weight – 8.5 lbs
Height – 21 in
Sleep – 3 hour stretches at night.
Eating – Every 3 hours on the dot. He never misses eating, just like his Mommy.
Clothes – Newborn/0-3 months
Love at First Sight - July 20, 2010
You can see from the pictures that is was love at first sight!
Five on Friday - July 16, 2010
Picture of the plate (comming soon)
2. So far, Harrison is a clock work baby. He eats every three hours “on the dot.” Harrison will be sound asleep, and as soon as the three hour mark hits, like clockwork, he wakes up ready to eat. This boy definitely has a good appetite.
3. Harrison found his thumb today for the first time. Considering he is only 3 weeks old I am assuming it was an accident. Regardless, it was pretty darn cute!
4. With a little hesitation, we started giving Harrison a bottle this week. To my surprise he took it no problem. Assuming I find the time to pump, it is nice to now have help feeding Harrison. Not to mention, Daddy loves this new bonding time.
5. Harrison had his 2 week “weigh-in” at the doctors this week. He weighed in at a whopping 6.13 lbs. As my Dad says, “who knew I would make such a good cow.”
Harrison at 3 Weeks!

Five on Friday - July 9, 2010
1. My favorite thing about feeding Harrison is watching his hands. He crosses his hand across his belly and holds onto the other hand while he eats – it is too cute.
2. We have nicknamed Harrison “Little Hercules” because he is very strong for being so little. He can already pick his head up and move it from side to side. He also loves to clinch his hands onto our fingers. And don’t even think about moving his arms to swaddle him up because he will fight you. He is one strong little man!
3. We had Harrison’s 1 week doctor visit this week. Harrison weighed 6.4 lbs. This let us know that Harrison is definitely eating well. When we left the hospital Harrison was down to 5.15 lbs, so he almost gained back all his weight in a week. Dr. Geiger said it usually takes two weeks. This is just one more way that Harrison is determined to show us that he is a strong little boy.
Harrison at 4 days old!
4. At only 8 days old Harrison had his first professional photo shoot. Harrison slept the whole time while we posed and dressed him up in different outfits. He is already a natural model – just look at the photos yourself.
(Pictures Coming Soon)
5. Ryan, Harrison, and I want to say a BIG "Thank You" to my Mother. I have no idea how we would have survived so far without her help. She has done everything from cleaning, to cooking, to laundry, and so on. She has also stepped in as our night nurse, which is helping give Ryan and me some much needed rest. Mom, we can never thank you enough for all that you have done!! WE LOVE YOU!
Harrison and Grandma
My Son Can Wear Dresses
A Special Gift for Daddy
Ryan got up to change Harrison as usual when he yelled, “Oh my God Courtney, I wasn’t expecting this!” I quickly glanced over and saw what I thought looked like blood. So I jumped out of bed, not easy to do when healing from a C-section, only to see that it was poop – a lot of poop! I then started dying laughing, also not easy to do with a C-section. Once Ryan finally had Harrison cleaned up, Harrison decided he wasn’t done having fun yet and pee’d on Ryan. By the time it was said and done, there were dirty wipes all over the ground, and Ryan was picking them up with gloves on. Needless to say, Harrison and I both had fun watching Ryan change his first poopy diaper!
Special Delivery - June 25, 2010
Harrison Cole Edwards was born June 25, 2010 at 5:17p.m. He weighed 6lb 6oz. and measured 19 inches long. I am not one to cry when I am happy, but when I heard his cry for the first time I couldn’t help but sob tears of joy!
Not Your Ordinary Doctor's Visit - June 24, 2010
During the visit Dr. Bishop noticed that I was only measuring 36 weeks, when I was actually 38 weeks. In order to be safe she wanted to do an ultrasound. While I was excited to get to see baby Harrison again, I hadn’t seen him since 19 weeks, I was worried that something might be wrong. The ultrasound confirmed that Harrison wasn't measuring like he should, so the doctors decided it was best to go ahead and induce me. While I was thrilled that I was going to finally get to meet my baby boy in person, I was worried about his health since he would be two weeks early.
After the news, Ryan and I went home and tried to take care of all the last minute things that needed to be done before Harrison’s arrival (clean, play with the dog, pack hospital bag, etc.) We then headed to the hospital at 8:00p.m. and settled in for the big day ahead.
Where’s Grandma?? – While all of this was going on Grandma was on her way to Chattanooga, TN for a tennis tournament. I had previously told her she was crazy for leaving. Her reply was, “you still have two weeks to go.” She had also joked that she could make it back in time, as long as she wasn’t winning. Well, I immediately called her when I found out I was getting induced. She had to drop Mrs. Somers off on the side of the road and turn around (two hours outside of Chattanooga) so that she could be here for Harrison’s arrival. I guess it was a good thing she wasn’t winning the tournament!
This is a picture of me before going to the hospital.